Friday, September 14, 2007


OK, so not much has happened, BUT it is has been a REALLY weird week. First things first though, Colts... STOMPED the Saints, honestly looks like the Titans will have same same demise. I have one word for this season, CLICK HERE!

I know that the mortgage industry is tough, and mean right now, so HONESTLY why does a Pro Wrestler think that he should enter OUR world! You don't see Joe Shmoe off the street take on a 300 pound FAKER in the ring do you? I know that right now you are saying, "Corey, what are you talking about?" This has to be the DUMBEST stunt yet, HONESTLY! Check this out!

Other then that I know that the FOMC is meeting again next week. Honestly I think that it should be a NO BRAINER to lower rates a bit. Investor Confidence is low, Unemployment rates are continually raising (average about 130,000 new claims per week). Also, by the way Countrywide announced Friday that is would be borrowing another 12 BILLION form 40 different banks. Just food for thought... :) Have a safe weekend, GO COLTS!
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